Project: Collabor_Active / SHARING-ACTIVE- Developing
a training program for enhancing active ageing through not for profit
sharing economy |
Duration: 24 months (from 01/10/2017 to 30/09/2019)
Coordinator: University of Valencia - UVEG
Coordina Organizacion
de Empresas y Recursos Humanos S.L (Spain)
FORBA (Austria)
WH Gelsenkirchen (Germany)
Institute of entrepreneurship development- IED
E-Seniors (France)
is launched with the main objective of increasing the competences (attitudes,
skills, knowledge) of Elder Persons and their Communities about how to enhance
active ageing though Non-For-Profit-Sharing-Economy and a specific innovative training program. The following
aims will be carried:
To raise awareness and motivate the full
collective around Elder Persons about their capacity and potential for
participating in the Community and deliver added value
To transfer knowledge and guidelines to elder
persons about collaborative models and supporting ICT platforms
To transfer knowledge and guidelines to
Communities about how to engage Elder Persons in such collaborative models
To develop Digital Skills of Elder Persons for
exploiting ICT Platforms supporting Non-For-Profit-Sharing-Economy
Target groups:
Elder Persons (60+) which are in
retirement situation. Elder Persons with more than 55 years who are temporary
unemployed could also be selected when they want to increase their Community
participation and not strictly find a job as a consequence of the Training
Persons belonging to the Communities of those
Elder Persons participating in the Validation Actions who have not direct
familiar relation. Those persons will be engaged though several possible scenarios
depending on the context, resources and network of Consortium partners
Through the execution of this project the next
results will be obtained:
A co-created methodological guide will be
developed, with the direct participation of End Users (Elder Persons and their
Communities) with the main objective of determining the key contents,
methodologies and ICT Platforms needed for creating and improving the critical
competences of Elder Persons and their Communities for increasing their Active Ageing
through Non-For-Profit-Sharing-Economy
Training materials for creating and improving
the critical competences of Elder Persons and their Communities for increasing
their Active Ageing through Non-For-Profit-Sharing-Economy
Designed Experimental Training Activities for
enhancing the practical and experimental training of Elder Persons and their
Communities in implementation of Non-For-Profit-Sharing-Economy for Active
Ageing purposes
Development of an e-Training Platform,
including awareness, training contents and references or links to existing ICT
Sharing Economy Platforms solutions for facilitating the implementation of
Non-For-Profit-Sharing-Economy approaches, concepts and tools for Active Ageing
Creation of 4 SHARING-ACTIVE UNITS in the entities
of the Consortium directly involved in Active Ageing in order to ensure the
sustainable exploitation of the project after the project lifetime
Development of Dissemination Actions addressed
to European collectives related to Elder Persons