CLICK CLEVER – KoM in Lecce – 13 November 2018


Overview of the Click Clever project:

The target group are digital immigrants: adults with low digital skills – training on social education, social media. The innovation is that it focuses not only on technical skills but also on inadequate behavior, moreover it will be a non-formal micro training online with in total 200 participants (E-seniors will involve 30). Impact will be measured with the target group

4 meetings: Lecce, Brussels, Paris and Athens

Website: Ready and translated by February, information also disseminated on our own website.

Micro-training: Basic animated power-point or Prezi with 10 training paths for teachers and 10 trainer paths for adult trainees


CPIA Lecce: Emiliano Adult education center giving mainly online education (moodles), bring your own devices initiatives, shared classrooms (online Agora), language courses and basic education.

IDP Consultants:Giulia Funded in Brussels in 1991 more than 25 years of experience in developing European projects and services, high success rate in project submission

Demostenes: Demostene Centro Studi per la promozionedellosviluppoumano is a non-profit organization that aims to promote development cooperation, democratic participation and active citizenship through the responsible use of ICT addressing the digital divide.

University of Malaga:Gemma The university department of communication. Jemma is specialized in advertisement, social media and public speaking.

IWS: Roberta Company based in Malaga for internet based solutions. “If you are not on the internet, you don’t exist”. Engaged in various European projects. IWS is responsible of the creation of our platform.

AKMI:VassilisLargest vocational education provider in Greece, present in most major Greek cities. Currently starting European projects. Cooperation with companies. Hands on experience and labs.

IHF :FabiolaInstitut de Haute Formation. Based in Brussels. They carry out research, training and awareness on EU opportunities related to education, social entrepreneurship and employability. “Bring back the project in Brussels” through dissemination and exploitation of the project.

Administrative aspects:

There will be a midterm progress report on 1 October 2019 so partners should provide the coordinator all document necessary of the period 01/10/2018 to 30/08/2019 by 15 September 2019.

The final report is due by 30 November 2019so all documents should be provided by 07/10/2018.

Pre-financing is of 80% of the sum to be received by the coordinator 30 days after the signature of grant agreement.

Internal reports each six months of activities carried out and cost incurred

-          01/10/2018 to 31/03/2019 to be submitted by 15/04/2018

-          01/04/2019 to 30/09/2019 to be submitted by 15/10/2019

-          01/10/2019 to 31/03/2020 to be submitted by15/04/2020

-          01/04/2020 to 30/09/2020 to be submitted by15/10/2020

Payment arrangements:

1st pre financing: 40% - within 15 daysafter KoM

2nd pre financing: 40% by 30 October 2019(progress report) partners need to justify spending at least 80% of the first instalment and provide a dissemination report.

Balance payment: 20% will be paid to the partners within 30 days afterthe coordinator receves the final payment from the Italian National Agency.

Supporting documents to justify intellectual outputs:

-          Timesheets with name, category of staff and dates works

-          Contract

-          Declaration signed by the legal representative certifying that the staff involved is internal, long-term and involved through the whole project cycle (template will be sent)

To be sent right away

Budget swap:

Up to 20% and not from/to management category

Supporting documents for transnational meetings:

-          Certificate of attendance

-          Signature list

-          Detailed agenda and document used

-          Invoices

-          Boarding Pass

To be sent to the coordinator within 7 days after the TPM



Supporting documents for multiplier events:

-          Attendance list with name, date and place of ME name and signature of participants, name of sending organization and post address of sending organization

-          Detailed agenda of the event

-          Copy of documents used and distributed


IO1- OER Platform (IWS)

Not using pre-configured moodle platforms as it is not user friendly. They have their own platforms with adapted functionalities empowering the customer and answering to the project needs (PHP programing, free coding). The platform will be opened without logins as it is an extra barrier (open content).

The platform will contain:

·         PPT

·         Training material

·         Glossary

·         Social media access

·         Press release

IO2- Capacity gap analysis (CPIA Lecce and Demonstene)

November 2018 to July 2019

At least 200 people in 5 countries involved in the gap analysis research. Catch clear data to ensure the adequate development of IO3.

·         Scientific research related to digital illiteracy among digital immigrants or digital tardive

·         Explore relational issues and online behavior

·         Methodological steps:

·         Identify the most pressing needs

Activity 1: Common methodology for gap analysis (November 2018 to January 2019)

·         Identification of common guidelines to produce the survey: items, target, tools

·         Define the questions that will be asked to users

Activity 2: Implementation of gap analysis (February 2019 to July 2019)

·         Identification of characteristics and elements of digital immigrants’ behavior in their country and IHF at European level.

·         Primary assessment: identify assessment and involve them in various ways

·         Secondary assessment: desk assessment to extrapolate for relevant literature skills, sets, needs and best practices.

·         Primary research: general information of target group involved (number of digital immigrants), aggregated results on training needs. Only one survey for different types of population

·         Secondary research: Deep knowledge of the phenomena, formal education and training definitions of social education, trainings already available, key stakeholders and actors on social education, bibliography.

·         Country snapshot overview following shared model

IO3- Development of the content of the training and curricula – Toolbox and Galateo

April 2019 to Mars 2020

Toolkit for teachers: content of a new curricula and a Galateo for digital immigrants (contents of micro training)

IO4- Guidelines for the future

To be discussed later on during the project

Dissemination, exploitation, visibility and multiplier events (IWS)

6 multiplier events with 30 people each. A website ( , social media accounts (facebook, youtube, linkedin, whatsapp group). Press releases after meetings and events. Always use Erasmus and Project logos.

Production of a common leaflet (IHF) and each partner prints according to its needs to distribute it in relevant events.

It will be possible to upload press releases directly. The website will also have a possibility to connect on skype for partners. Alerts will be sent by email. The website will have a content section and a glossary section to define main terms.

IWS will circulate customized corporate material (PPT, heading, templates, disclaimer).

Evaluation board

2 external members, 2 internal members and 1 internal coordinator. The task is the monitoring the respect of GANTT, evaluate the quality of IOs and evaluate internal and external communication. The EB will meet every 6 months (virtually or visu) to share the results of the “Quality Check”.

Piera Sciama (ESE)

Gianfranco Gatti




Skype Call: 4PM on 10/01/2019

To do list

Send coordinator documents to justify mobility to Lecce

Send partner information and logo to IWS