Be a Change - invest socially Erasmus
+ 24
months : 2016 – 2018 |
Coordinator : Fundacja
Parasol (Pologne)
Partners :
Pathways: I.D. C.I.C (UK)
Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronica si Automatizari (Romania)
Lentamente Società Cooperativa Agricola (Italy).
The aim of the project is to create a practical,
socially beneficial activity to develop personal and entrepreneurial skills
amongst groups & individuals across Europe. The project strives for
motivating adults to create social entreprises, based
on good practices from more experienced partners (IT,UK). The results of the
cooperation will be placed on the project website/portal. They will be quidelines, good practices. The project will promote the
idea of social entreprises for social and societal
purposes combined with an entrepreneurial spirit of the private sector. Social enterprises
devote their activities and reinvest their surpluses to achieving a wider
social or community objectives. he project contribute to improving and
extending the offer of high quality learning opportunities tailored to
individual adult learners, including through innovative ways of outreach and
delivery. The project contributes to ET 2020 - development of entrepreneurial
skills, to new business creation and employability
of young people, to the objective - making lifelong learning a reality,
enhancing ceativity and innovation, including
Project will teach basic knowledge about
entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship as well as good practices about
social entrepreneurship in the form of workshops - the summary will be uploaded
on the website. There will be the following activities:
workshops on
entrepreneurship organized by each partner with their learners, local
workshops on social
entrepreneurship organized by each partner with their learners, local
tutorials on
entrepreneurship on the project interactive website
meetings with
social entrepreneurs with learners from partnership institutions during
transnational meetings with partners, exchange of good practices
exchange of good practices - summary on the
website –
The project website will include all information on
social entrepreneurship and basic knowledge on entrepreneurship, good practices
and guidelines for somebody who wants to develop social enterprise. The project
will also promote the social entreprenership
idea. The project should be carried out
trans-nationally as partners complement each others