Inclusion in Age Friendly Cities (IAFC)
2021-04-01 - 2022-09-30 (18 months) – Erasmus+ (KA227-7458045D)
Coordinator : GAVLE KOMMUN (Sweden)
E-SENIORS (France)
The key project objective will be the guidelines
and plans that will show possible solutions for inclusion of senior citizens
(70+ years old) in cooperation with the cultural and creative sectors.
All partners in this project face similar
problems regarding the ageing population and a growing percentage of the
population being elders. Individuals over the age of 65 make up over 20 % of
the population in Gävle, adding those at the age of
60 increases the number to 26%. In Paris people age 60 + comprises 470 000
seniors of a total population of 2.2 million .Reggio
Emilia also faces challenges in terms of population with links to an ageing
population, and emigration of youth.
Specifically, we have identified the age group
of +70 and having difficulties following digital development as our target
group to this project and increasingly being socially isolated.
The objectives of this project are to
find, explore and propose ways:
To reduce social isolation amongst the elder population by
encouraging them to participate in various cultural and creative activities,
with the help various digital tools, were appropriate.
To help the local cultural sector during these hard Covid-19 times,
but also by building long term networks for continued mutual benefit for this
sector, the elders, and NGOs.
To bridge the digital and age gap between the elders and younger generations,
increase awareness of the importance of ICT tools amongst our target group and
all relevant stakeholders involved in social inclusion.
To create a new and innovative approach to cross sectorial cooperation, through effective partnership between municipalities (politicians and
civil servants), NGOs in the cultural sector and seniors.
To achieve a common understanding of the principles of co-operational
design of services, starting with the needs of
the seniors and the role each party can play in the process to include cultural
activities and creative arts together with elders.
To foster active and healthy ageing through social inclusion, based on the WHO Network of Age-Friendly Cities priority areas focusing on
using the resources of cultural and creative sectors to reach our goals.
Expected results:
Visits and discussions (virtual city walks) with
several different cultural and creative associated partners with the objective
to find good ways and means to improve and encourage elders to participate in
the cultural life.
Thematic talks or masterclasses - Exchange of good practice and experiences between partners
Consultation workshops with relevant local
stakeholders as associated cultural partners
Digital “coffee meetings”
Finding and using new and creative ways to use new and existing digital
tools fitted for elders to improve there social inclusion.