Activate Healthy Lifestyle through Counselling for
Erasmus+ project
Project duration: 30 months
Maiêutica - Cooperativa
de Ensino Superior C.R.L. (Portugal)
Fundación Universidad Isabel I (Fui1) (Spain)
Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Margherita Sport
e Vita Basket (Msv Basket) (Italy)
- Visoka poslovna škola (PAR) (Croatia)
E-Seniors (France)
Nordic European Mobility (NEM) (Sweden)
European Football for Development Network
(EFDN) (The Netherlands)
Association sport for all Vojvodina
(ASAV) (Serbia)
The ActivU project aims to increase awareness and behavioral change in former active citizens with and without disabilities toward a healthy active lifestyle through enrichment of counselling and prescription procedures to effective use of physical activity and other health-related behaviors.
ActivU is aligned with scientific evidence showing that former active citizens are a particular population with specific health-related characteristics of the general population of the elderly. Thus, the ActivU will be a pilot programme to develop online communities of practice for awareness, knowledge and behavioural change about healthy active lifestyle among former active citizens in participants’ organisations and countries, which could ultimately be scaled-up across the EU.
The project opens the way for a new dialogue among exercise and health practitioners (trainers) and former active citizens (trainees) from different countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Croatia, Serbia, Sweden and The Netherlands) allowing for cross-border matching and thus expanding the range of practitioners and former active citizens at health risk from diverse EU cultures of physical activity.
The specific project objectives are:
1. Develop online communities of practice for awareness and knowledge about healthy active lifestyle among former active citizens, older adults, exercise and health practitioners, academic experts and sport and labor sector stakeholders to enable synergies and collaborative learning about state-of-art about healthy active lifestyle among European older adult citizens.
2. Empower knowledge sharing and the emergence of best practices with an emphasis on former active citizens’ awareness and behavioural change for healthy active lifestyle using e-learning material and traineeship monitored by specialized trainers, minimizing the risk of health diseases of former active citizens, and identifying new areas for European policy intervention.
3. Informing the target groups about the specific condition of the healthy active lifestyle among former active citizens by creating a short video, available in the online community of practice.
4. To design and develop self-report measurement and e-learning content packaged in healthy active lifestyle to support stakeholders to (a) recognize and (b) promote healthy active lifestyle among former active citizens.
5. Increase sport stakeholders' and policy marker’s awareness about the benefits of using online healthy active lifestyle resources for awareness, knowledge and behavioral of former active citizens in sports research, education, and policy-making, and to stimulate future innovative educational methods for preventing health-related inactivity of older adults