EHLSSA 2014-1-DE02-KA204-001664

       Programme:      Erasmus+ 2014

       Durée du projet : 01.09.2014 – 31.08.2017



1)      ILI, Innovation in Learning Institute (Germany)

2)      ESE, E-Seniors (France)

3)      DCU, Dublin City University (Ireland)

4)      UJI, Universidad Jaume I de       Castellon (Spain)

5)      Helsingin Yliopisto (Finland)


       Objectifs :

1) Mise en place d'une infrastructure d'apprentissage pour les personnes âgées en Europe
2) Programme de formation pour les personnes âgées et pour les formateurs
3) Dans 5 pays et dans 5 langues
4) Utilisation compétente et autonome des TICs


·        Public cible :  

Toutes les personnes âgées de l‘Europe
- Avec un accès d‘Internet
- Avec les compétences de base d‘Internet


       Réunions des partenaires :

1)      Première Réunion Transnationale: 8 – 9 dé cembre 2014 à Furth



Présentation E-seniors


2)    Seconde Réunion Transnationale l: 11 – 12 - 13 mai 2014 à Castellon



3)      3ème Réunion Transnationale :  14 – 15 – 16 septembre 2015 à Dublin

4)      4ème Réunion Transnationale :  7 – 8 – 9 mars 2016 à Helsinki

5)      5ème Réunion Transnationale: automne 2016 à Furth

6)      Conférence finale : printemps 2017 à Paris



Ce projet a pour résultat principal de mettre en place l’Association Européenne du Service de l’Apprentissage à Domicile avec tous ses composants. Il s’agit de valider l'approche choisie et de fixer la base de l'infrastructure d'apprentissage pour les personnes âgées en Europe. Tous les éléments doivent être optimisés en évaluant la formation tout au long du projet. Si le prototype fonctionne correctement, une deuxième phase du projet est prévue : ajouter d'autres pays européens et proposer une offre de cours plus complète.

 Plaquette en FR

·        Description du projet (EN)




The European Elderly Home Learning Service ( EEHLSe) proposal is based on the widely accepted and reported Europe-wide analysis about (missing) learning opportunities for elderly and its consequences. However, all steps to overcome this undesirable situation can clearly be derived by logic and empirical evidence.


Two elements will assist us in analyzing the situation. The first element has to do with the fact that European elderly are, in their majority, excluded from continuous learning. Whilst all other citizens, starting from the age of one year, have a guaranteed life accompanying education and training offer, the after retirement population does not have this opportunity. All reliable offers end at a time where people have, in average, another 20 or 30 years of life. This is known a well-known fact in Europe and it has been discussed widely for many years but no solution has been found so far. This proposal claims to enter a new phase of elderly (online) learning and pave the way for overcoming this entirely unsatisfying current situation.


The second element of analysis concerns the opportunity for learning of the elderly. It is evident that, in a rapidly changing world, life without learning leads to unpleasant effects both for the individual and for the society. Some of these effects are: reduced autonomy, increasing dependency from others, less integration, social isolation, segregation of generations, reduced satisfaction of life, more fragile health… Every reported effect on one hand could be underlined with empirical data,on the other hand is selfevident.


We will, in the following, compile all elements which are needed for our high level aspiration, to provide in principle every elderly in Europe, independent of her/his geographical situation, mobility, availability of time and daily rhythm, with a reliable learning offer within ten years’ time. EEHLSe will model and empirically validate this ambitious promise.


Before entering into the details of the proposal we have to clarify why eLearning is an appropriate learning method for the elderly.


There are many good reasons:


- In eLearning, learning comes to the learners. This is extremely important in remote situations or situations of handicap or of care.


- Elderly are very heterogeneous –individual preconditions can much better be taken into consideration.


- Learning path and pace can be individually chosen.


- The use of time is entirely free: We have learned that elderly use the whole 24 hour cycle for learning.


- (Elderly) learners can repeat as often as they want, without any external pressure.


- They can learn sustainably with free exercising.


- There is (different to face to face learning) no competition in eLearning.


- The learning success can be seen immediately which means positive feedback.


- The learners’ support can be more individual and more intensive (synchronous and asynchronous) than in face to face group learning.


Over all, it can be stated that eLearning, if provided in all elaborateness, should be even more successful and appropriate for elderly than face to face learning.




The objective of the project is to establish a sustainable reliable, specifically adapted learning infrastructure for all elderly in Europe.


All necessary elements will be implemented in the appropriate order.


The first step is, to stabilize a common view of the project vision within the consortium. Since the project partners have to establish infrastructures and learning settings in their countries and region, a common understanding is mandatory to fulfil the quality criteria. Technology enhanced learning is a very fragile construct and even minor deviations may lead to complete failure.


The chosen approach has to be refined in agreement with all partners.


The next step is to fix in a user needs analysis the content areas for the three courses to develop. In parallel, each partner has the task, to fix its regional contact partners in accordance with the task assigned to them which are: Initial contacts to the learners in the regions by means of promotional material/activities prepared in the consortium.


• To organize kick off meetings with the interested elderly and to acquaint them with the whole learning setting.


• To be the regional contact point for the elderly in all technical, organizational and learning questions.


• To provide active synchronous and asynchronous learning support,


• To propose elderly teletutors who will be trained in a standardized manner from the consortium,


• To communicate in all questions with the national hub and to participate in evaluation.


The pedagogical and technical design has to be refined and applied in the development of the courses and in the adaptation and localization of the learning platform.


A first course prototype will be developed and incrementally tested with the target group. The learning platform will be adapted for the project and will be tested with the target group. Teletutors have to be selected, in parallel an online training course for the tutors


has to be developed. The learners for the prototype course have to be recruited and prepared in two countries. The course has to be carried out and all content, technical, pedagogical and support aspects have to be implemented and evaluated. The improvement conclusions have to be extracted and applied for the development of the two additional courses and for the second, a complete trial, to be established in four countries. This trial will again be formatively and summatively evaluated. This second trial and evaluation will be condensed in the EEHLSe quality chart which will be, from then, the “bible” for the current deployments of the consortium of all future national/regional hubs and the regional/local networks.


A final trial with all localized courses will be carried out in all participating countries and again evaluated. The chart will be refined accordingly.


The EEHLSe association will be founded by the consortium partners in order to ensure the sustainability of Elderly Home Learning Service on a European basis.

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