Minutes Consortium Meeting E-Chance for Women Entrepreneurship
Paris, 30th and 31st of October 2014
30th of October
09:30 – 09:45 Arrival of all participants; getting to know
each other
09:45 – 11:00 Project Analysis
of the results of the User’s Needs Analysis
ILI, they sent questionnaire to women. They didn’t receive a lot of responses
(20 answers). They contacted a lot of organizations but they didn’t answer as that
was expected. Problems: a lot of them have financial problems; the IT business
is also a problem.
96 women participants participated in this
questionnaire, mostly students (86%), housewives, retired women, working women
and new starters à they want to produce new
product/service (78%), make more money (100%), to become more independent
Problems: registering their own business, create a
business plan, they don’t know the legislation and the rules concerning the
opening of a new business.
Experience: 22% YES, 78% NO
They would like to go to “production and manufacturing”
– “Trade/Retail” etc.
Finance and marketing are the areas where people need
to have more competencies.
SSU distributed paper based to the
students to collect these answers.
Database of organizations for female entrepreneurs
includes organisation details and activities related institutions around
European countries
Tolga presents his example of Pendik KISGEM = enterprise
Deadline to fill the table: until the end of the year
Status quo of the 2nd newsletter
As soon as ILI will receive the results from
all partners they will prepare the 2nd newsletter. M3-Mcube will
send their results about the questionnaire and then ILI will include these
results and the presentation about NEXUS project.
Deadline: end of November
Status quo of the 3rd newsletter
is in charge of the third newsletter to send to all partners by the end of the year.
11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:30 Project
of the modules
Business Plan and E-Marketing (by M3-MCube)
Communication and Business Monitoring (by ILI)
Basics: basics principles of
communication; communication any time; the process; mutual influence
Four sides of a message: the
communication square; preferred sides; summary; training
Conversation techniques:
target-oriented communication; feedback
Dealing with conflicts
will adapt this module and the design and they will send to all partners
Searching information from Internet (by SSU)
knowledge and skills of learners
Basic Internet concepts, terminology
Internet and Google services
Personal softwares (Skype, chatting,
social networks)
may adapt this content to the case of women entrepreneurs
of the flyer of the project + postcard
Flyer n°1 has been developed by SSU and
the 2nd flyer will take into consideration the results of User’s
Needs Analysis
Postcard: questions have been created
to draw attention of learners. The logo of all national agencies has to be
added on this postcard.
of the website
SSU made
several changes regarding the remarks of all partners. SSU added the database
in the website. Each partner has to translate the website in its own language.
suggested adding the newsletters in the website (in “news” section).
12:30 – 14:00 Common
lunch with all partners at “Chez Papa”
14:00 – 15:30 Project
of dissemination
partner had a look on the plan of dissemination. Tolga shows us a model about
the dissemination activities (table that presents the different activities).
Tolga will send us the electronic version of this table and we’ll keep the
lower part. M3-MCube has to send a new version of the plan of dissemination before the end of November
taking into consideration the remarks of each partner.
ILI will send a proposal for
the poster before the end of the year.
about the next meetings
All partners
agreed on the dates concerning the next consortium meetings. The next one will
be organized in Istanbul and the final meeting is scheduled in Fürth during the
month of June.
CM Istanbul: the 16th and 17th of April 2015
CM Fürth/Erlangen: 11th and 12th of June 2015
15:30 – 17:15 Visit of the first incubator for the women entrepreneurs in France
“Paris Pionnières” (26 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011 Paris)
17:15 – 19:30 Free Time
19:30 –
21:30 Common dinner with all partners at Léon de Bruxelles
31st of October
Departure of
all participants