Connect with ICT - Training Session Paris- version 1


“Connect With ICT” training outcomes



16 persons participated in the training organized in Paris on the 18th and 19th of March, 2013 and in the framework of “Connect with ICT” project (2011-1-TR1-LEO04-24538) that is cofinanced by the European Union under Leonardo Da Vinci-programme.  The both, learners and trainers of e-learning platform were asked to provide some feedback on their experience with this online learning tool. In the following, you will find some results and feedback from the French final users, which were gathered by MCube association.


The Final user’s feedback

How many respondents? 

16 persons, aged between 56 - 81 years and some having light handicaps, participated in the “Connect with ICT” training organized by MCube association in Paris. 12 learners agreed to fill in the questionnaires designed for the final users of the e-learning platform that is developed during the project.

Age repartition?


Profession (if still in the working life)

- Primary school teacher

- Electrician

- Administrative agent


What kind of light handicaps had some of the participants?

- Hearing and visual troubles

- Concentration troubles

- Mobility troubles

- Diabetes

- High Blood Pressure


What were their expectations of the training?

By participating in ConnectWithICT-training, the learners aimed to learn how to:

- Manage to use their personnel computers/laptops

- Dispose better skills in the Office package

- Do safe e-shopping

- Use an USB device.

- Browse different kinds of websites

- Do web research with different web engines

- Use Picasa, Skype as well as send photos via mail

- Post announcements on Internet

As well as

- Problem resolution and be able to be more concentrated while using computer

- Get basic computer skills

- Have practical exercise in the computer use



What kind of feedback did they provide?

Generally our learners warmly welcome the initiatives that support and encourage the vulnerable persons skills in information and communication technologies. Even, one of the senior learners felt that this training period has enabled him to be reintegrated in today’s digital society – this gives an important reasons for projects like our to continue this work of enhancing computer skills.


The e-learning platform

The general layout of the website was considered clear and easy to navigate. The mixed model of learning, face-to-face methods with e-learning, was appreciated, but several learners felts that the trainers’ explanations are important before doing the autonomous exercises. The practical exercises were useful for many learners, as they needed time to assimilate all new information though during the training sessions. Most of the learners felt that this kind of e-learning platform is a very valuable supplementary support for the classic face-to-face training, and they would be very motivated to user the platform at home.



Impact after training

Most of the French learners said that they would try to use the Connect with ICT platform at home, notably if they feel like refreshing their memories of the learned courses. Also to note that most of the learners were retired from the working life, which explains why they did not comment much on how this e-learning tool could boost their employability.



The Facilitator’s feedback

Connect with ICT –training were organized in Paris by four facilitator recruited by MCube. These facilitators filled in the “Facilitator’s questionnaire”. 

All four of them thought that this course is generally supportive for them as a tutor in preparing the learning process, and that this online learning system is quite easy to use.

For the trainers, the strong points of this learning tool are that it empowers the participants to participate in community life, to broaden their interests. Also, the platform encourages the learners to communicate with their friends and families via Skype and mailing.

The French facilitators believe that these positive outcomes will encourage the participants to continue learning.