ASSISTANT Kickoff Minutes
1 :
Management work package : how the structure is
going to work? Contract start date: 1 June 2012.
End: 31 May
2015. Documents will be send to our national agencies.
will be the interface between AAL and partners, annual and financial report,
organizing mid-term reviews… Stefan is the technical leader, arbiter of
disagreements, wandering. Technical committees every 6 months.
board meet twice a year = Tecnalia, TTR and Andago.
WP leaders
responsible for all the deliverables and productions in a WP.
meeting, general assembly every 6 months.
Executive board meetings monthly phone conference.
Steering group: one representative of each partner, physically every 6 months,
by phone every 3 months.
making and problem handling: DoW, project leader,
technical leader, WP leader.
avoid last minutes for deliverables, template for creation, use of shared file
space, non-text deliverables, internal review before
Project handbook:
website, files repository, teleconferences, template for deliverables, report
for AAL, presentation, mailing list.
Dissemination: WP4, papers,
presentations at events, website, standardization activities. Don’t forget
social media.
initial version on the BSCW. We need to submit a final version to AAL, some
changes should be necessary as a result of this meeting.
At the end
of that meeting, we should define a list of our next meetings (schedule) = it
will probably happen in Paris in December 2012.
forget about the “ticketing”, elderly people are preoccupied by payment issue:
an idea is that the system will provide some information about the fare and
where to buy a ticket. What about tickets directly on the phone?
seniors, blind people (impossible to make field trials sp we will focus on
seniors), people with cognitive impairment (but still autonomous). Oldsters,
visitors, cognitively challenged, motoricly
challenged and sensory challenged. New
users particularly those travelling to unknown places.
Other stakeholders: bus systems, legal system, marketplace, family…
One application for each city. Who will own the application? An online
application for trip planning and guides on Smartphone for multi step journeys.
Smartphone: size of buttons. The design has to be truly accessible. Supporting
having lost the route = back on track. Last kilometer question. The hardest
will be transnational system.
At the end
of the route: info provided to help the end user to get from the last transit
stop to the final destination. Walking maps? How to deal with big buildings and
span: rural (how rural? Need boundary?), urban (underground? Net problem! GPS canyons).
How to deal
with conflicting information? => write scenarios with our personal
The system
identifies the vehicle to board and signals to the users its arrival, informs
the user of when to exit.
The system
will be ready for the market within two years (2017).
of WP1 and WP2 work packages
2 :
Presentation of other packages WPs:
WP3 , WP4
Next meeting in Paris in December 2012