Month Six ASSISTANT Steering Group Meeting

Noon December 10th – Five PM December 11th  2012

Paris, France

Steering Group

The Steering Group shall consist of one representative of each Party. The Project Leader shall chair all meetings of the steering group. Each representative should have one vote and may appoint a substitute to attend and vote at any meeting of the Steering Group.

The Project Leader will convene meetings of the Steering Group at least once every 6 months physically, and every three months by distance (Telephone Conference, Online workspace, etc.). The project leader shall also convene meetings at any time upon written request of any Party in case of an emergency situation. 

Any decision requiring a vote at a Steering Group meeting has to be identified as such on the invitation.


TECNALIA Research & Innovation (coordinator)

Andago Ingeniería S.L.

Citruna Technologies Oy


Fara Oy

Transport & Travel Research Ltd.

University of Vienna

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

IN2 welcome but not mandatory




Responsible partner


Day 1 –Monday Dec. 10th


14:00 – 14:15

Welcome and introduction to the meeting:

·        Greet all

·        Present what we should expect from the meeting (and what it is not)


14:15 – 15:15

Project Management (WP5):

·        Review of what has been done so far re. Management

·        What has been delivered to AAL and Spanish NCP (finished deliverables)

·        Review of time line – distribute copies on A3

·        Internal review of documents: procedure

·        First 6 months project report to CMU due M7/M8 (technical + financial).

·        Financial claims at national level


15:15 – 16:00

WP1 – Status of work, results, next steps, Q&A


16:00 – 16:30



16:30 – 17:15

WP2 – Status of work, results, next steps, Q&A


17:15 – 17:30

Wrap up, discuss next day and End of day 1



Consortium dinner




Day 2 –Monday Dec. 11th


9:00 – 9:45

WP3 – Status of work, results, next steps, Q&A


9:45 – 10:30

WP4 – Status of work, results, next steps, Q&A


10:30- 11:15

Short Reports from partners (15’ each)


11:15 – 11:45



11:45 – 12:45

Short Reports from partners (15’ each) (Cont.)


12:45 – 14:15



14:15 – 15:15

Technical committee session  (1)

TECN & All

15:15 – 16:00

Review of next 3 and 6 months work (on-going and future tasks and deliverables) (2)

TECN & All

16:00 – 16:15



16:15 – 16:45

Review & Update of resources (PMs per WPs) (3)

TECN & All

16:45 – 17:15

Setting next phone meeting and physical meeting, last open questions & answers…

TECN & All


End of meeting



(1)   Technical committee session

This is the place to make sure Haptimap is being used and to discuss the error trapping details. Any issues that cross WP’s are fair game. What we want to do is root out any ‘tacit’ ideas we have about how to do this and get an agreement of architecture approach, coding style, etc.

(2)   Anticipated next 3 mo./ 6mo work

a.      D1.6.1 (was due November)

b.     On-going

                                                               i.     D1.5

                                                             ii.     T3.2.1 & D3.2.1

                                                            iii.     WP4

                                                           iv.     WP5

c.      Start:

                                                               i.     T2.1.1 & D2.1.1

                                                             ii.     T2.2.1 & D2.2.1

                                                            iii.     T3.3.2 & D2.3.1

                                                           iv.     T3.1.1 & D3.1.1


(3)   Please review the spreadsheet (PMs per task per WP spreadshet.xlsx [2.0]) under the Description of Work folder on the BSCW before this part of the meeting.




Here are some WP5 issues that partners should know about and be ready to address:

-         Report to CMU: an annual report is due, (taken from the official document of the Ministerio: “…the CMU will ask for the annual technical progress & financial report during the 2 first months of the year, regarding the previous year…”.Therefore: we must submit a report covering the period June-Dec 2012. Two tables, with basic data, must be filled by partners in section 6 of the template  2010-Dec-21-Template-for-the-annual-progress-financial-report-v1.2.doc

-         Cost claim is a subject that every partner must deal with its respective funding agency, at a specific time (different for each country). So I think that in this meeting we can send a general remainder to partners in order for them to check their duties at national level…


How to prepare:

For WP leaders: Work to date for each WP The presentation, slides and Q and A , should each take 45 minutes. These are the topics you should prepare for; we will go thru the WPs one by one:

a.      Tasks done last 3 months

b.     Deliverable in last 3 months

c.      Summary of effort in WP to date

d.     Issues that will need discussion and/or clarification

e.     What does the WP have on plan for next 3 months

Following each presentation with be plenty of time for Q & A. Directly following the meeting a document containing the items above needs to be sent to TECN.



For Partners: Plan on about 15 min. for each presentation. Preparatory questions for partners (to be followed up with a document containing these sent to TECN after the meeting):

a.      Tasks done last 3 months

b.     Deliverable in last 3 months

c.      Summary of effort in WP

d.     What do you have on plan for next 3 months

You don't have to go to great lengths, the idea is to have a sense of the project moving forward, and if not, what is missing.



Useful bits from the CA:

1.1. Steering Group

The Steering Group shall consist of one representative of each Party. The Project Leader shall chair all meetings of the steering group. Each representative should have one vote and may appoint a substitute to attend and vote at any meeting of the Steering Group.

The Project Leader will convene meetings of the Steering Group at least once every 6 months physically, and every three months by distance (Telephone Conference, Online workspace, etc.). The project leader shall also convene meetings at any time upon written request of any Party in case of an emergency situation.

The project leader shall give each of the Parties at least thirty calendar days notice in writing of such meetings or fifteen calendar days notice in case of an emergency situation.

Any decision requiring a vote at a Steering Group meeting has to be identified as such on the invitation.

Should a Party suggest adding a discussion/decision to the proposed agenda, it shall do so in writing to all other Parties at least seven calendar days prior to the meeting date.

The Steering Group shall be in charge of the overall direction and major decisions with regard to the Project.

The Steering Group shall in particular be responsible for:

·         Deciding upon the allocation of the project’s work and budget in accordance with the project plan, and any changes to it,

·         Acceptance of project reports,

·         Deciding upon major changes in work packages,

·         Deciding upon dissemination and exploitation issues,

·         Making proposals to the Parties for the review and/or amendment of terms of this agreement,

·         Deciding to suspend or terminate all or part of the project,

·         In case of default of a Party agreeing on actions to be taken and making proposals to the other Parties to assign the defaulting Party's tasks, and if appropriate to agree upon a new entity to join the project for that purpose,

·         In case of default of the project leader in the performance of hers tasks as project leader, agreeing on actions to be taken and possibly nominating a new project leader,

·         Deciding upon the entering into the Project and this Agreement of new Parties.

The Steering Group shall not deliberate and decide validly unless a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of its members are present or represented. Decisions shall be taken by a majority of 75% of the votes of Parties present or represented. However, any Party whose scope of work, time for performance, costs or liabilities are changed, may veto such Steering Group decision.

The Parties agree to abide by all decisions of the Steering Group.

The project leader shall organize the drafting of the minutes of each meeting to formalize in writing all decisions taken and shall dispatch them to all Parties within fifteen calendar days of the concerned meeting.

The minutes shall be considered as accepted by the Parties if, within fifteen calendar days from receipt thereof, no Party has objected in writing to the project leader.






1.2. Technical Committee

The Technical Committee shall consist of one representative from each Party including the Project Leader and all work package leaders. The Project Leader shall chair all meetings of the Technical Committee. Each party shall have one vote in the Technical Committee and may appoint a substitute to attend and vote at any meeting of the Technical Committee.

The Project Leader (assisted by the Technical Leader) shall convene meetings of the Technical Committee at least on a 6 month basis and shall also convene meetings at any time upon written request of any member of the technical committee in case of an emergency situation. This notice shall be accompanied by a written agenda. Each Party may assign as many participants to Technical Committee meetings as she deems necessary.

The Technical Leader shall give each of the Parties as early as possible but at least fourteen calendar days notice in writing of such meetings or seven calendar days notice in case of an emergency situation.

Any decision requiring a vote at the Technical Committee meeting must be identified as such on the invitation.

Should a member of the Technical Committee suggest adding a discussion/decision to the proposed agenda, it shall do so in writing to all other members at least two calendar days prior to the meeting date.

The Technical Committee shall be in charge of managing the project.

The Technical Committee shall in particular be responsible for:

The Technical Committee shall not deliberate and decide validly unless at least two-thirds (2/3) of its members are present or represented. Decisions shall be taken by a majority of 75% of the votes of Parties present or represented. However, any Party whose scope of work, time for performance, costs or liabilities are changed, may veto such Technical Committee decision.