Consortium meeting, 9th and 10th of December 2013, London


-         Monique (ESE)

-         Wolfgang (UNIVIE)

-         Kristin (UNIVIE)

-         Mona (ESE)

-         Ariane (ESE)

-         Mark (TTR)

-         Stefan (TECN)

-         Janne (VTT)

-         Erkki (VTT)

WP5: Management

-         May have to re-sign the CA

-         D4.5.11 from November 2013 to February 2014

-         What about internal milestones?

-         Pilot in March: need all the basics functionalities (last km, route planning...) to be done by March.

-         AAL forum: VTT payed the whole amount. Process to be redone.

-         Mid-term review:  4 hours

WP1:  Users requirements

-         TECN still working on scenarios

-         D1.6.2 need D3.1.1 so should be done by the end of the year

WP3: Pilots 

·         D3.1.1 – ready to be edited, a document with some demonstration aspects, some data is missing in it but it is editable without the data, that you can adapt it after > key for 6.2

·         D3.1.2 –in process


M23  (April); the next deliverable, so the pilot should be started in May 2013


How the pilots could be managed between University of Vienna, VTT and E-Seniors

The phones to be used in France are given for Finland

University of Vienna must buy 5 phones

1st pilot phase: users use it for 1 week

2nd pilot phase: users use the Phone for one month

The idea is that we have all the phones that are same size, with the same sensor etc. So that the user experience is same for all the participants


Get an e-mail address for the phone, an easy identification name


T3.2.3: testing will mainly focus on ergonomic aspects

Formative test: we are focusing on functionalities; this test must have all its functions before


Next Steps:


May 2014: Pilots

T3.1 April 2014 - Pilot Assistant System (Tecnalia)

T 3.2 May 2014 - Second User Evaluation Report (E-Seniors)


Testing all functionality = formative test

WP4: Dissemination

Contact database over than 200 names: partners need any new contacts (authorities, potential users, NCP, technical...)

Website quite attracting

TTR will contact Brussels to know how to communicate to others AAL projects about restricted deliverables.

Newsletter:  212 people received it; only one person unsubscribed.  Click through rate not bad.

At least 2 press releases in pilot phase: article about pilots (how, when...) one page by ESE for end of March, send it to TTR, TECN, UNIVIE & VTT for translation (pilots: will be mid-April, the worst beginning of May)

WP2: System development

Assistant data format XML

Mobile client: user should be able to choose a new goal.  Mobile client by VTT, UI by TECN

Real time information

Error trapping work led by TECN

On board system

Creation of a mid-term review demo

Route editor: we can change the route.

Possibility of a short movie indicating the routes

WP3: Pilots

Ainara is our contact in San Sebastian, need to decide a contact for VTT (Janne)

Skype conference mid-january

First draft guideline should be ready for MTR

Partners report:


WP2: document to create your own server. Server will be in Helsinki for everybody.


WIFI implementation last three months

Problems with PM: no PM dedicated to pilots


ASSISTANT website only refers to public website

Need to find another URL for the users

VTT works with TTR to create a template for users website


Need to buy phones for the pilots

Technical committee

VTT leads mobile, part of the server.


1.      Introduction: partners presentation 15min
2.        Project presentations 2h30

3.        Coffee break - 15 min (adaptable to specific needs of projects)

4.         Discussion (expert, CMU, NCPs, project partners) - 20 min

5.        Break (CMU, NCPs, and experts’ internal discussion) - 20 min

6.        Conclusion of the review (CMU, NCP, experts) - 10 min

7.      Any other issues (project partners, experts, CMU, NCPs) - 10 min


-         Project structure and management issues: TECN/TTR

-         Project resources aspects: TECN/VTT

-         Technical aspects: TECN/VTT

-         End-users aspects: ESE

-         Business and market aspects: TECN/TTR

-         Any other issue = NOT Andago!

15 slides maximum!

Focus group about icons

Pilots: early May.

System tests: Helsinki/San Sebastian then Vienna.



Schedule seems tight:

Deliverable: end of May.

Route editor + user mobile device + server = each one of the component is put together, integrated and tested in april. Test the end user interface as a component. Did we build the device right? Did we build the good device? Verification (are we building the system right) & validation (are we building the right system?).

2014: technical testing + users to test the users interface (make a route). Set of tasks to do, watch if they manage. Euristic way,  5 users in a semi-controlled environment. 



-         Fluctuations with real time data

-         Inaccurate & high level map data

-         GPS inaccuracy

-         Battery consumption

-         Variety of information sources

Errors to be tracked during the prototype field trials: if users miss the bus stop rerouting will be tested.

“Rogers theory of innovation and adaptation”

Users: persons who know how to use a phone but not a smartphone: enable us to track possible errors. The idea is to test with people who have difficulties.

Next meetings:

-         June 2014: Finland, Helsinki (doodle)

-         December 2014: France, Paris

-         June 2015: Espagne, San Sebastien

Next WP2 teleco: 14th of January, 1pm