Mona and Ariane
Day 1 –
Presentation of IESE and introducing
all the partners
1. BOP Meeting
Amendment Suggestions and Planning:
Allows us to change the DoW
Now it is good time to do an amendment
as it takes around 6 months: the first review in October 2014 so this should be
done before
5 Changes:
Change in the WP split at M1 of our
project was informal
2. Change
of the budget split of the Advisory Board costs
3. Change
partner name Tempos > Wordline
4. Interim
Report= QRM M3/M6 > M4/M7
Annual Report M12 > M13
The official e-mail from the PO
approving these points so that no amendment is needed for adapting these
Management Report
3 deliverables have been done
The Quarterly Management Report (QMR) OK – 329 working days reported for the
whole project team ( 327 working days were expected)
Next QRM report is done in April (all
the partners need to send their data MM numbers like the last time).
The end-users partners will need to
contribute more as they have been working more
After this QRM, we will do a monthly management report (it easier
to handle)
Discussions of the running deliverables
D2.2 Market and
Applicability Watch (IESE)
What has been done?
1. Mapping of key words in order to understand
what were are talking about: these key words were used inside of each ALFRED
pillars (searched EU project FP6-FP7, AAL, Ageing Well network)
Glossary for
the project
(44 concepts and defined): 54 projects identified inside each ALFRED pillar and
the key general ideas
25 products and services identified inside each ALFRED pillar and the key
general ideas
watch (
defining the technology that the technology partners intend to use and what
they know that are used)
5. Business plan outline
D8.1 Piloting
Definitions (CHA)
Objectives of the WP8: conduct the
pilots in 3 countries and 3 different environments
T8.2 first test with the users already
some testing with the mock-ups and then prototypes (between M23 – M36) (this mockup testing can be overlapping with 8.1)
T8.3 Hospital environment testing with
persons in hospital and clinical environment
T8.4 Association tests with normal
Proposal from CHA: would be good to
have 2 fixed test periods
M13-M14: “List of key objective
performance indicators: what we want to get out of this task and which
requirements should b tested
M15-M18: Selection of Instruments for
the pilots (Questionnaires, sensors...)
D8.2 Advisory Summary
Feedback Report (IESE)
In the DoW between 5 and 6 persons were mentioned now we have 7
IESE has
22 500euros budget for the AB travels
Participants in the AB: (Green ones are present in the CM Barcelona)
Hospital Clinic
Barcelona (ICT healthcare management director)
Telefonica Spain (eHealth director)
Philips Research
(Intelligent textiles)
The Castlegate
Consultancy: expert in the project management in the field of eHealth
Google: engineering director –
possibility to do a one to
International Diabetes Federation
BAGSO (Association of Seniors: Age
E-Seniors will do minutes from the AB
meeting that can be send for the participants that have not participated in the
Different skills and European regions
are well covered in the AB members
4 times a meeting with the AB
(M6,18,30, 36) + Sven suggests that one
of the members could present in the review meeting (M13)
Reports to be done M12, 18, 24, 30, 36
IESE proposes a template to be send
for the AB members that they could fill in and we could use this for the report
Note: in Spain the crisis hit
hard the health sector and notable the public health care and the hospital that
have not budget to invest in ICT-tools in the health care > this situation
has an important impact for the coming years
T9.4 Dissemination
Report (TUDA)
dissemination of the project
TUDA is the
leader and the main contributing partners are NFE, ESE...
Next steps:
General dissemination:
o Twitter
And Scientific Dissemination: we could prepare
two publications from D2.1 and from D2.3 : TUDA will create a draft
version + AAL Forum 2014
T9.4 aim is
to have a list of all the conferences so all the partners should contribute:
scientific conferences and industrial conferences as well
Publish several periodic electronic newsletters
at least 2 500 receivers (in the DoW)
Some concerns about the newsletter and
how to make it more attractive
o Who is
the audience of the newsletter?
What format? A PDF that will be sent
but it could also distributed in the conferences
ASC will
create an Info Application about the ALFRED website (Smartphone APP): the
reviewer really likes this
T9.6 Standardization, Policy and
Ethical Issues
Connecting ALFRED to standardization forums
– Biz and Tech
Monitor to ensure compliance of
results to existing standards
Aim to have a data base of
standardization, policies and ethics : TIE is concerned that the
standardization should not be very strict for the technical partners as it
would be heavy for them
1st report: Analysing the
essentials standards, ethical issues and policies
T9.7 Collaboration Report (ESE)
This task is very linked with the task
2.2 and the task T9.4
event for EU project
– for the 1st internal review: thinking to do this and these
projects are identified and these persons are reacted are interested
Time planning for the
future deliverables
2 workshops have been planned: NEF and
TIE are involved in the workshops (The workshop reports M18 and M
The 1st workshop should be
organized as an side-event during the AAL Forum 2014 : ALFRED will apply a slot
in the side events and the conditions for this will be published in the end of
this March
We could combine the clustering
activity and the workshop activity (should be organized 4 months in advance and
you could easily organize a bigger conference)
D2.2: Deadline M6: the report will be a wiki but the
PO will asked if it should also include a report (i.e. an additional document
with text)
o D8.1: Deadline M12: The ToC should be
given during next week (in the end of the next week by CHA: and they should see
how they want to contribute in this deliverable)
Discussions about the potential mock-up that
could be tested before, the question is that the system will work with vocal
interaction so no classic mock-ups are available, there is a possibility to
create a wizard – as in the document we need to describe how the pilots look
like : TALK will deliver a video but before the story should be defined; three
examples about the person interact with ALFRED: so this task is from the user
o D9.2 – to be discussed later
o D9.4 – older structure of other
dissemination report can be used: ToC should be
proposed soon
o D9.6 – Standardization if more for
technical partners (ATOS, ASC): IESE puts together a table of contents and ask
all the partners to contribute : in the hospital environment (CHA), policy
recommendation map
o D9.7 - The ToC proposal: a
general idea about what is expected from the other partners and ongoing
document with the meetings + that have been done so that the partners can fill
Meeting with the Advisory Board
A. Presentation
of the AB members:
e-health field accessibility and usability field (used to work for DG Connect)
– she has work for ehealth during 14 years
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, medical doctor : has worked in the field of ehealth during 17 years; working in the health technology
assessment, chair of international foundation for integrated care (the next
conference will take place in Bruxelles): ALFRED could be very interesting to be reported in
this serious of conferences, involved in project INTEGRATE (with CHA, IESE)
Va Os: from Philipps technical
engineering and specialized in textile engineering (involved in a finished EU
FP7 project)
Rovira: eHealth department at Telefonica (participating in H2020)
Presentations of the project partners and the ALFRED introduction
about what the project partners expect from the Advisory Board
B. Questions
by AB:
Related to the General
Aspects of ALFRED:
What is ALFRED?
ALFRED is not a simple App but a
collection of different services, but also there will be an health platform for
health data that will be developed aside
But for the users, he will only see
the App that is used on a mobile device: either on Smartphone or tablet (it has
not been decided yet as the user requirements are being analyzed).
One operation system
Notice from Jordi Rovira (Telefonica)
is very expensive to extend the operating system from an Android to OS etc.
The target group age was moved from 70
years to 60 years – what was the reasoning for this?
We did not
want to stick in one age cohort but rather concentrate in the different user
profiles (rather related to the different life stages and their age): we wish
to target older adults who are over 60 and who start to report need and will
for support in their daily lives and who are motivated and able to use
Reaction from Albert Alonso: It is
good choice to lower down the age cohort as it fits much better for the ALFRED
objectives (for persons that are over 70 years this solution might come too
How did we arrive into these 4 pillars
and who these pillars are interrelated?
The idea was
to integrate persons with expertise in the special fields: it started with
games, then social events, then vocal interaction...> The idea to do
separate pillars to have a clear picture. The pilots will integrate all these
pillars in one story: they will make use of all the project results.
Also, the
user profile will connect these different services, and this data could provide
additional services in order to building up a better experience.
Comment from the AB:
The valued added of ALFRED will be in the integrated pillars
ALFREDO Marketplace:
platform will be designed only for older people and focus only for Apps
addressing the older adults.
How the team work will be lead between
the pillars?
technical partners will work in the different pillars in order to help everbody to understand and see where the project is
How the 3 pilots in the 3 countries
for this project will be managed? Can it create some bias in the results?
Idea is to adapt ALFRED to different
cultural environments (languages) and to different locations (events...)
With 3 countries we wish to have as
large scale as possible
There could be an issue with the
results regarding the pilots in different environments (related to the
lifestyle) about the way how people live, in that sense the ALFRED solution can
work in one country but not in another one, but the caregivers are able to
adapt the ALFRED in order to correspond with the older person’s interests and
Do the project partners aim to get
benefit from ALFRED?
Yes, notably
the industrial and business partners.
Apps for health care need to be validate technically and also test by the
medical caregivers.
Discussion about the D2.3
Diane: Feedback from care organizations
should also be involved not only a hospital environment, so maybe a homecare
organization would be good to be involved in the project
Diane: The
client, the customer (who buys the solution) and the price of the solution
should be also considered already at the ready
organisations who buy the solution for the older adults should also be
Dissemination about the Dissemination
Barcelona is Mobile World Capital for
ALFRED should have presence at mobile
phone conference (IESE is working for this conference)
WMC Telecare
and Medicine congress in London related innovation (From the 10-13 September
AAL-Forum 2014 in Bucharest in
September 2014-03-13
pHealth Conference Vilnius May
eHealth Week in Athens May 2015
iFIC Conference Edinburgh 2015
and Barcelona 2016
ð All
these conferences will be classified into policy, scientific and industrial
Also ASC mentions that a booth/stand
would be good at an exhibition venue but TIE underlines that it would be
interesting to do common actions with other EU projects
We start
organizing joint workshops and do clustering events with other : an action plan
will be established (3 partners ESE+NFE+TUDA+ASC) : A Telco in April in order
to define the next steps
Discussion of the Exploitation Plan
Two opportunities open source or
closed source
Most of the partners wish to have
closed platform
Diane: The EU prefers open source
platform as it creates more benefit for everybody
The pros and cons for the both
solutions are discussion: maybe one part of the Apps could be open source so
that the developer could develop more easily new Apps for ALFRED – also we need
to attract the Apps developers
IAM Association International des Mutualités (in Brussels) or the Kings Fund can give access
to insurance companies, which can be very valuable for the ALFRED project (but
should be contacted by a partner that is the most interesting in their eyes).
The point in placing adds in the application: Jordi:
the individuals are ready to pay a small amount of many for an health app that
they know that works, where as a free app has adds which might decrease the app’s
Some potential business model should
be written down and the users could be consulted
Diane: in
order to take some leverage on the market and envisage the market 2017, we
should consider the potential future evaluation of the market:
Social media for older adults in the
A mobile phone for the older adults
was developed in the framework of AAL
ALFRED remarks from the AB
The World is changing, the people’s behaviour
is changing with the age: the stakeholders should be involved in more in the
development phase also in the explanation plan phase
Is the Smartphone really the device of
the future Apps? Maybe other hardware will be use in the future
The package with the product and the
service can be dangerous (Smartphone+Apps) as many
people have already mobile phones
Also other mobile devices should be
considered, the smart TVs have high potential
Recommendation of focusing on the most
relevant use cases that has been established in the D2.3
Try to follow what is happening in the
medical device market but also the devices that does not fall in the medical
device fields
The confidential issues and the
personal data privacy regulation: what this could imply for the project
DAY 2 - 14/03/2014
D2.5 Technical Specification
Global Architecture (ASC)
Global Architecture
Knowledge Information Storage
Health Monitoring
About the Emergency alerting - We need to be very clear from the very
begging about the health aspects of the ALFRED solution (for instance regarding
the fall detection as the solution should be connected with caregivers)
Which sensors should we use? The smart
watches could be an option.
Discussion about the mobile device on
which ALFRED will function
The opportunity of smartwatches; these are quite
affordable and in 3 years can be very well commercialized
Context-aware Speech Recognition (TALK)
New name is suggested: Context-aware
Speech Engine for the component
Interaction with other components :
Dialogue related to ALFRED apps
Push-to-talk (in GUI?)
Personalization: user modelling
manager: dialogue
related to events
Game manager: dialogue related to
games, for instance by identified key words.
allocated to translating
in France, German and Dutch!: the system can support different languages but
however, the quality is a thing apart – we don’t know yet how good the language
versions will be
Some graphical support could quite easily be integrated in the vocal
interaction mode if this was essential for the users
and Event Manager (TIE)
Personalizing the ALFRED services for
the end users with their caregivers
Create and modify your user profil + end user information and Personal Framework
Local storage of the user informayion
Data store has information about the
Data mining and discovery (in order to
find even more interesting data for the user)
The partners should define together the common logic for the event
recommendation (by key words found from Google research):as the results
should be meaningful for the user: focusing on the interesting events
If the end-user organisator
has event data bases, these could be directly linked to the ALFRED data mining
service (NFE has its own database)
Maybe the data mining is started with
NFE(Netherlands) and then it will continued with ESE (France) and CHA (Germany)
could use its website: eseniors.paris if we created
the event agenda on this site
Marketplace (Wordline)
A marketplace for Apps focusing on
seniors: ALFREDO server
The characteristics of the user will
be saved in the marketplace
WP 7 Serious
Games (TUDA)
Starts in M13: idea is to develop at
least 5 games stimulating mind and body
There are different ways to categorize
these games (indoors, fun...)
In ALFRED 3 ways to start a game:
The user decides to launch the game
Some else invites the user to a game
(relevant for multiplayer games)
ALFRED decides, now it is time for a
game > ALFRED Game manager component
D 3.1 What the users would prefer for
the mobile device? (ASC)
Tablet and smartwatch
would be the two best options but the cocern is that
the marketplace idea becomes more complicated as the Apps are not the same for
the two devices
The end-user organisation will resume
the requirements that were gather in the D2.3 regarding the mobile device
+ ESE: We will interview 3 seniors in
order to have their opinions and requirements of these proposed requirements (on
the 19th of March 2013)
3.2 Textile Sensors (AITEX)
Smartphone could be connected with a
with the European Commission
Max. 2 people per partner should
participate: 1 day reivew
1st in Brussels
2nd in Berlin
3rd in Brussels
Reviewers cannot influence our budget,
reviewers cannot force us to anything
Generally speaking it is marketing!
The next Consortium Meeting
will be hold in the AAL Forum between the 10th and 13th
of September 2014.