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Gaming for Active Ageing (FG4AA) Erasmus+ KA2 – Duration : 2 years (December 2019 – November
2021) |
E-Seniors Association (France – coordinator)
Albertay University (United Kingdom)
AIJU (Spain)
VITECO (Italy)
FA4AG aims at promoting
good nutrition habits among seniors by proposing innovative gamesolutions
to explain nutrition. The gamification dimension will
at once boost seniors' motivation tolearn more about
well eating and promote ICT use among older people.A
nutrition guide will be available for all seniors in order to learn more about
good nutrition habits. Thelearning dimension will be
strengthened by the Nutrition Games Platform that will host the nutritiongames and will be specifically tailored on
seniors' needs in terms of usability and acceptability.These
2 tools are the main results of the project, which the consortium will
co-design thanks to theinvolvement of the seniors
from the very beginning of the project and will test and validate with them.
State of the art report underlying the best
practices and the needs of the target groups on fourcountries:
France, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom
A report with the results of the co-creation
sessions in three countries: France, Spain and UnitedKingdom
mobilizing over 30 seniors
A comprehensive educational program on the
project website, based on the needs of senior usersand
produced with the assistance of nutritional professionals and researches
A platform offering interactive and educational
games about nutrition: The Nutrition Games Platform
The website of the project hosting all the main
results and outputs
The Facebook page of
the project and various dissemination materials