CONSORTIUM MEETING TOPIC on the 24-25th of October

Day 1.


Technical meeting’s Agenda:

 I.            Report on Siegen’s Technology Meeting.

-         What has been done so far:

Avinotecbought devices, Webinage built the TOPIC website.

-         It is already clear which products from each technology partners is relevant for TOPIC and how. (avinotec: chart/live videos, streaming, webinars;  ilogs: ENP-data base, knowledge in medical technology sector, MOCCA, MOBIS; webinage: learning corner )Discussion of the Technical meeting that took place in the University of Siegen.

With the technical partners

:  AVINOTEC, I -LOGS, WEBINAGE + with Bernard and Maren on the 2nd day.

What has been discussed during the meeting:

-         Development environment (development of the html5 platform)

-         Defining a common development environment

-         Spaces of the TOPIC-platform: Learning Corner, European Nursing Care Pathways ENP (working as a kind of wiki, e-learning platform (open questions+ the platform), ask it, learn it.)

-         Support group Corner: visual self-help group, users can communicate..

-         Market place: on-line pin board system

-         Chat room, where elderly people could talk with each other or caregivers could communicate with each other.

-         Common development environment (j-Query), development basic.


II.            Report on the Status quo of technical development (AVINOTEC, iLOGS, WEBINAGE)

-          AINOTEC They bought 33 smartphones (5x Samsung Galaxy S4, 7x Samsung S5 etc..)and 30 tablets.

-         The choice of the use of the Android system

01.12.2013 - 28.02.2014 “Design and implementation of Mocks- up”.

-        Mock ups (eg. Wireframes, storyboards)

We have some initial requirement for the platform, the main decision to be taken is : How are we going to communicate?

Fabiano’s proposition: What about the SOTA devices?

Multimedia Communication document distributed by Fabiano.


·        Mini PC Android

·        HDMI Stick Android (plugs directly to TV’s HDMI connector)+control from Chrome. Broadcast from any device w/Chrome browser. So you can just connect it to the TV or to your smartphone and then you will have the info on the display.

·        MiraCart (Android Cast) Screencast=equivalent of Bluetooth for screen based on wifi standard ie open>wide support (windows, android). Requires an adaptor on TV’s side: Netgear PTV3000 (61,90E), A sender equipment: smartphone, tablet, desktop.

·        Smart Tv concept: smart TVs, internet enabled, best possible integration, limitations: no real-time video.


III.            Discussion about the project devices and development environment

We should collect all requirements.

Austria has 9 caregivers, 6 of them have already signed the Informed Consent.

How can we discuss together? What kind of the scenario would be the real one etc..

We can also produces like mock-ups and to check what is feasible and what is the. We should produce the mock ups for end-users, it is the paper sketches. The impact is the use cases, and then we move to the sketches.

What is the format of the user cases? The story, we are going to the level of interaction, to describe it.

The scenario:

There is Simone she is x years old. Simone, there should be the actions.  ‘‘Simon is opening her browser tablet etc.’’

Name+Action verbe+ result

So we are making the catalogue of the personas

Myriam’s presentation:

In one use case they want to how is he writing his recommendation, in the other is how he is uploading the info. Use case Sketch will be the interaction.

Face to face discussion?



They already have. 

They have already 6 persons who have already signed the informal caregivers, 3 of them are going to signed it.

All of them are the women, only one is the man who is going to sign it.


We have 4 caregivers but we had a cancellation, so they have 3 do far.

All three families live in the rural wooden part of Germany.

We have only female caregivers: three ladies: one has a

As Susi said the 1st shadowing sessions was about the good conversation


DAY 2.

Anton’s presentation about the structure and the main focus on the planning the future, the scenario and the parameters.What content does the TOPIC platform deliver.It is Important to define what we can support and what we can not.His idea of the profiles.The discussion about the structure. To clarify the words : scenario, profile, sketch

50+, caring for other pple-  age group of care receiver is not relevant for recruitment purpose, working (full or part-time)or not working/retired, living or not in the same household, based or rural or urban areas, more or female.

Who is the persona?

I.        Presentation of the Technical partners.


1)      I-LOGS

MOCCAplatform, Mobile Case&CareGnPs. Propositions for the learning corner.

Only for the nursing care it doesn’t support doctors.

e-health platform

·        planning of services and interventions (European Nursingcare Pathways)

·        Multilingual

·        Documentation of nursing

·        Optimization of the resources (how to plan the resources )

·        Planning of interventions: selection of the proposals.

The system has a massive database with all categories and diagnosis. There is a field on the right where you will have to fill what you need to check (ex. your husband did a vomit and you can find there what to do.). You can find event the photographs of wounds.


2)      WEBINAGE

Touchscreen PC

This provider gives you the connections with the other ppl.

·        You can see on-line and contact your contacts, you can share whatever you want with the other person seeing her at the see time

·        You can play games. They have already implemented 3 games: ex. 1) Webi 4Four in a raw; 2) Memory, where you can play with your own photos. 3) White table (tableau blanc) to draw. The point is that you are playing while still seeing each other.

·        Also you can receive the inbox messages.

·         Also there are some virtual visits from the outside where you can see galleries.

·        Radio

·        Who should so what in the house? U can pick one room in the house ---- then u can choose the person from your family and it will show u this person with the phone number

·        You can also do an emergency call JJJLYou can define yourselves the numbers)

·        There is a chat-room ( ;- ) = (J) = ( ;- )

Now they are charging the house companies.

They decided to take the standard html file.

Like the smart Tv opportunity. The variation. We will use the Android smartphones and Android tablets+ Screen Cast Device (MiroCast).

WP1 Status Discussion

Presentation of the D:1.1 by Myriam (this is the public report)

30 end-users: 10 in each country that will take part in the Pre-Study; than 10 each other will juste participate in the usability tests (to test the mock-ups), and then 10 others that will participate in longuinade studies: to test the platform installed at their homes.

The public officers don’t ask us to deliver this 1st D.1.1 at time but it is better to do it in time. But then, in the

·        Not to remove the ppl. from the list

·        To up to date list each time the table when u have any changes.

·        We have right other ppl. to participate even the ex.caregivers. For example, Myriam has a husband and his wife is dead already but he would like to participate but in the phase of test

·        D1.2 Report on the end-us’ context and every day (Nov 2013) based on our observations and communication with end-users. Then, based on all these results we could elaborate the interview guide and then 2 interview the end-us maybe even with the new users (not only with those, who participated in the Pre-Study)

·        Beginning of January we will have to deliver from the WP1, starting the users cases.

WP5 Status Discussion

To read the D_5.1

-        Publication of articles

-        The disseminate during all the activities you visit even if you are not talking about the project, just to put somewhere our flyers etc..

-        Website : the part with the links is empty, so if we have some relevant links about our activity or our projects to add

-        To make the translation of the website: Home, About the project. and about the partners..



WP6 Status Discussion

-        Status on the D6.1., we have to

-        Conflict resolution: each partner is responsible for the conflict resolutions.

TO DO-s:

-        We have only 2 months more to finish the things as we were late

-        Website Translation + partners data if smth needed to be changed (deadline )

-        To create a facebookaccount Micheal is managing this.

-        Next meeting in the beginning of January (the 15th- 16th of January) when we already will have some initial user cases. There University partners will present these user cases (before that End-User organizations + Universities will agree on it).

-        We have to finish the pre-study, to prepare and to implement the interview with the end-users

-        Nest CONSORTIUM MEETING. On the 20-21st of MarchinBamberg (2 hours from Nurnberg)