
16th July, 2014




From 09:30am to 18:00 pm

7 Pintor Fortuny, Barcelona




1Attended Partners ............................................................................................................................. 2

2Starting .............................................................................................................................................. 2

3Topics covered.................................................................................................................................... 3

3.1Project Coordination....................................................................................................................... 3

3.2Apps.............................................................................................................................................. 3

3.3Courses and certificates.................................................................................................................. 3

3.4Market Place.................................................................................................................................. 3

3.5Contents of the Ecosystem............................................................................................................. 3

3.6Data Protection.............................................................................................................................. 4

3.7Legal Advice of the Ecosystem........................................................................................................ 4

3.8Business Plan.................................................................................................................................. 4

3.9Registration system........................................................................................................................ 4

3.10Next meeting............................................................................................................................... 5

4Final Agreements............................................................................................................................... 5



1       Attended Partners



Aliad Knowledge and Service




Gruppo Sigla


Institute of Neurobiology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


University Carlos III


University of Vic







2      Starting

The meeting began at 09:30 with the introduction to the topics to be covered by Jorge. A brief project review of second and third semester took place during the meeting, with the exposition of the success during the meeting in Brussels and the main work done during the third semester.

The main part of the meeting was related with the issues and needs emerged during the last period of the project and, finally, it was agreed the plan for the rest of the project.

Concerning the review, several issues raised related with the last months of the project, among them we can list the next:

Project coordination


Courses and certificates

Data protection

Market Place

Contents of the Ecosystem

Legal Advice of the Website

Business Plan

Register System


3      Topics covered

3.1     Project Coordination

Use of online tools for transparency of the project was required by UTT in order to follow up different tasks related with workflow of the Ecosystem. Online tools for communicating Ecosystem testing results were required by UTT.

3.2     Apps

Apps from Gruppo Sigla require translation and data. Cristiana confirmed she would send the plan for partners in order to develop this task.

ESE stated that they would not use apps during pilots phase in France.

Concerning apps from EXOR, there is not information of them uploaded into the Ecosystem.

3.3     Courses and certificates

Some little adjustments are to be done with some courses.

ESE affirmed that Universities participating in the creation of courses should be entitled to give confidence to users of courses about the quality of them. For that, more corporative image should be included in the platform.

SIGLA asked about the certification process of courses. In Italy, allied entities are willing to participate in pilots depending on the certification for workers. At the moment, it is quite difficult to obtain the certification of them because, on the one hand, CEDEFOP do not prepare European certification (there is not a harmonizing law for all European countries) and, on the other, national qualification legal entities as INCUAL grants a process of at least two years for getting the qualification.

Because of all these issues, it was suggested to try to get an accreditation through universities and maybe with the collaboration from GIP.

Ana María suggested creating a team for trying to solve the issue of certification.

Voices of courses on the official language of pilots should be an added value to users. However, Áliad has consumed the budget for WP4 and therefore, partners should pay by themselves this part of the work. NIB suggested the possibility of transferring part of the budget for trips to translations of voices.

3.4     Market Place

Market Place could be one of the best features for the sustainability of the project via publicity. Partners are requested to contact entities offering products and services for active and healthy ageing in order to include them into the different Ecosystems. A model of letter and template will be shared with partners as soon as they both are translated to English.

3.5     Contents of the Ecosystem

More contents adapted to regions and culture at a local level is needed at this moment. In the end, each partner responsible of pilots will be responsible of feeding the Ecosystem with contents.

UTT suggested the need of each partner could upload contents by us. UC3M stated that this possibility will be available this week and a tutorial video will be shared among the consortium.

3.6     Data Protection

Data protection regulation among all partners is one of the main issues of the project. So far, there is not agreement among us for establishing responsibilities. At the moment, a legal framework done by Áliad has been done in Spanish. At the moment this document is validated by our lawyers it will be translated and sent to partners for its review and signature by legal representatives. Within the contract, University Carlos III is controller and processor of data into the Ecosystem and Sigla and EXOR from apps.

In the case of France, an inform of consent will be asked to users (elders) in order to ensure their protection. Partners using this methodology will be in charge of recording the information and keeping it safely.

3.7     Legal Advice of the Ecosystem

Until legal advice is not ready and validated pilots cannot start. At this moment, Áliad has prepared the text for legal advice and is translating it (as soon as this task is completed the document will be shared with all partners for its review and translation, please, maximum priority to achieve this process).

3.8     Business Plan

There are two ways for exploiting the Ecosystem in terms of business. One is all together under a legal form based in a spin off or similar or independently. Authorised representatives are requested to prepare a single business plan with clear indications of getting incomes, the sustainability of the project in their countries and the personnel in charge of it. In the case one partner is not willing to continue after funding expires, they will be requested to sign an official form declaring their intention of not continuing.

3.9     Registration system

SIGLA explained that the fact that email is an obliged field for those users willing to register into the Ecosystem could be a problem itself. In addition, registration system fails in some occasions and the fact that user receives two emails for confirming their register means an important risk related with possible users loose.

Moreover, so many elders do not count with email account, so the process of creating a new one could be another important problem affecting to pilots. Áliad explained that this is an issue for hospitals, because nurses in the most of the cases do not have an email account.

In addition, SIGLA explained the possibility of creating three types of users:

Those not registered. With access to certain parts of the Ecosystem (to be reviewed among partners).

Users registered but not confirmed (without email). With more access to the Ecosystem than level  1. The possibility of asking only user+password was told.

Users registered and confirmed with all access to Ecosystem.

Statistics for these three levels should be shared with the Commission.


3.10  Next meeting

Concerning the next meeting, the last of the project, it was agreed that it should take place in Madrid during the Month of January (days 12th and 13th).

4      Final Agreements

Final agreements at the end of the meeting were the next:

1.       Solve the issue of the legal advice. Áliad will share it with partners. Partners are requested to review it with a specialist and translate it to their own languages asap.

A model of contract detailing responsibilities among all partners is to be signed by authorized representatives. In the case the responsibility is denied, an official model of declaration will be signed.

A proceed of how the information is collected in the project will be done by Áliad and shared with all partners for facilitating point 2.

Online tools will be used for sharing incidences with the Ecosystem.

UC3M shares the video tutorials for uploading contents to the Ecosystem.

Áliad talks with VERUM for voices digitalization (ask budget and shares it with partners).

Áliad creates a team for certification of courses.

It will be needed to agree how to simplify the registration system and definition of pilot users, also public and restrained contents.

Send the translation of Market Place.

Send FAQ translation.

Plan the next meeting.