

Norrköping, Sweden – 24/09/2013




1. General Administrative matters (Maite)


- Maite is going to ask the delay of 6 month at the commission and she will give us the new deadlines for all the deliverables; she will inform the consortium within 2 weeks.


- The coordinator will provide the partners a list of the deliverables that has already been produced so that all the partners approve the official version of all the documents.


- The Italian partners, COOSS Marche, have finally received the funding approval from their NCP


- Ibernex and Imaxidi have been audited for the NACODEAL project by their NCP, and this went well for their side. All the partners should be ready to be audited if ever this happened in the other countries.


- The next CM will be held either in France or in Ancona around February/ March 2014. This will enable to organize the CM at the same time with the pilot phase in the end-users countries. This would enable the technicians to get most out of their time concerning the technical installations as well as for the training for the pilot phases.


2. Dissemination

- There are 2 newsletters to be done:

1) A technical newsletter from the technical partners

2) A newsletter from the end-users > E-Seniors and COOSS Marche must produce this

> these newsletters must be written and spread in the partners’ networks.


- Also we must disseminate it during the different international conferences where we could speak about the project: ESE could use “la Semaine Bleue” as a dissemination event.


- All partners should use the social networks for their dissemination activities about the project. For instance, send press releasers, comments in Linkedin etc. and inform Maite about their activities.


- The dissemination plan produced by ITCL is to be approved by all the partners.


3. WP3 advances (Carlos)

The WP has been worked in 3 steps



4. WP5 advances (IBERNEX)

- The pico-projector has a much better aspect than the last time, and Ibernex confirm that the device is much lighter and more compact now.

- The projector sends images and sounds.

- The main problem is about the battery endurance (it can last for 8h) + some problems with the final battery models.


5. WP8 advances (E-SENIORS/COOSS) How will the trials be conducted


- Maite said that now the European Commission will focus the study well the validation phases and that those are carried out correctly.


- When will we able to integrate the device? It will be hopefully ready in January so that we can look it by our one and then only in February we could start our piloted tests.


- Maite proposes that the TWO SEPARATE pilot validations are carried out:


1) The industrial validation that will enable the technical partners to verify the device that they have produced and that it works as it should. ITCL, IMAXDI and Ibernex will be in charge of this pilot validation, but this part should be included in the D8.2 (Maite will provide ESE the chapter to be included). Antonio proposed to do a global validation (the evaluation the device in general) and then a different parts validation (the heaviness, sound, clarity of the functionality etc.). 


* If necessary, the technical partners will perform the fine-tuning of the solution between these two phases.


2) The end-users validation that will enable to verify the usability and the usefulness of the NACODEAL solution. These tests will be carried out in Italy and in France.

a) The usability will be verified in the first end-users’ validation (Pilot1) that will be carried out in a form of focus groups

b) The usefulness will be tested during the 2nd Pilot Phase (Pilot 2) in the form of a field tests: the users will use the NACODEAL device for 5 days (max.). This will enable to verify


Methods for the pilots:

-          The end-users organizations will have in total 4 pico-projectors for the field trials, which means that the pilot phases should be conducted in different times in France and in Italy (for instance, Italy carried out the Pilot 1 and Pilot 2 during the weeks 7and 8, and France during the weeks 10 and 11).

-          The tests in the users’ home environment will involve 4 seniors in France and 4 seniors in Italy.

-          During this week, the users feelings, use habits etc. should be observed: by using shadowing but as this can be difficult also a users’ diary (proposed by Mona) could be used: to be discussed between ESE and COOSS.

-          In the end of the 5-day field trial phase, a face-to-face interview with the user should be conducted.

-          The testing periods has to be agreed between COOSS Marche and E-Seniors.

-          These validations phases will enable us to measure the NACODEAL device in two senses: if it corresponds to the users’ needs and to see if the device works in reality.

-          ESE and COOSS Marche will define the profiles of the end-users that will be testing NACODEAL ( with serios memory trouble, with minor memory trouble or without memory trouble). COOSS Marche promised to send for ESE the profiles of the end-users that they have recruited so that ESE can start to recruit too. Also, Luca said that their users have minor memory trouble.


-          ESE and COOSS should confirm the number of end-users/ caregivers to be involved in the focus groups.  COOSS said that they have 6 end-users recruited of which 2 have mild memory trouble.


Important point to be considered related to the Pilot 1 and Pilot 2: 

- The NACODEAL service is administrated by the family members, caregivers, careers etc., which means that the caregivers/ professionals should be involved (as was done in the WP2):

a) In the focus groups (Pilot 1) so that they can provide their ideas. Question by Mona with no response yet: could we organize one mixed focus group with end-users and caregivers? Or should we do 2 separate ones for each target group?

b) In the field trials as they will administer the information that NACODEAL provides for its users (agenda, contacts, meetings…)


- ESE needs a detailed list of features that will be included onto the device, so that ESE can start to work on the list of questions to be asked in the focus groups + as well as work on the tables to be included in the D8.2 that specify what is going to be tested and how during the pilots. Carlos will send the demo of the software so that ESE can have a better understanding about the device for the validation phase preparation.


- Luca said it is important to connect with the ethical issues in the D8.2. We could mention the EC Directive on the privacy protection, the informed consent  (we can refer to deliverables D3.1, D2.3 and D4.1, said Maite).


- Maite would like to have a diagram of the users’ profiles that are involved in the testing.


Table: NACODEAL Validation planning 2013/2014





December 2013/ January 2014

Partners receive the prototypes


January/ February

Prototype training for the end-user organisations



Industrial Validation of the NACODEAL

- ITCL, Ibernex, Imaxidi


Usability validation (Pilot 1): Focus Groups in France and in Italy with the end-users, caregivers and professionals > feedback directly for the technicians

- COOSS Marche, ESE

February/ March

Fine-tuning of the device after the focus groups (max. 2 weeks)

- Ibernex, Imaxidi, ITCL


Usefulness validation (Pilot 2): Field trials at 8 end-users (4 and 4) home environment in Italy and in France for 5 days.

- End-users + technical support on the site

April/ Mai

Users’ recommendation report



1st draft of the business model report based on the users’ recommendation report

- Ibernex with the help of ESE, COOSS



6. WP6 advances (COOSS)

COOSS Marche ppt presentation about the WP6 advances could be asked. Luca explained notably the recruitment of the end-users and the user profile scales that they used “Clinical Dementia Rating (CRD)”. Mona’s remark offline: why should we use it as NACODEAL is not a clinical device…

- Luca underlines that the CRD should be used in the D8.1 defining the users capacity to use the solution.


7. To do list for ESE


Organization of the end-users validation phases

-          Definition of the ESE end-users’ profiles and number of end-users/ caregivers to be involved in the focus groups > Diagrams for the D8.1 (asked by Maite)

-          Recruitment of the end-users and caregivers for February and on.

-          Start the list of questions to be asked during the focus groups.


For the D8.2:

-          The industrial validation text part should be included in the D8.2

-          D8.2: Include a section related to the ethical Issues.

-          For the D8.2, creation of a table defining the features that will be included in the NACODEAL and how these features can be tested during the phases.


D8.1: COOS Marche’s CRD scales could be mentioned+

-          Diagrams for the D8.1 defining the end-users’ profiles and numbers