2012 is the European Year for Active Ageing and
Intergenerational Solidarity. To honour the theme of
this year, the city of Paris and local organisations
implemented several actions, such as:
Faîtes l’Europe
on the 8th and 9th of May.
event hosted associations working to promote active aging and intergenerational
solidarity on the Town Hall square, in connection with the “Maison de l'Europe” in Paris (http://www.paris-europe.eu/spip.php?rubrique33).
E-Seniors/E-Juniors was there to present its activities.
also attended various conferences related to intergenerational matters:
Et si on parlait de solidarités entre les générations ! (Intergenerationality? And if we would talk about solidarity
between generations!), conference organised by the Montreuil town hall on the
16th of October 2012,
Journée des
Solidarités, 4th Edition.
The theme this year was: “Repenser
les politiques de Solidarité”
(Rethinking Political Solidarity) and it was organised by the cultural
institution “La maison de metallos”
in Paris, on the 10th of November,
Etre actif et solidaire à tout âge (“Being
active and united at any age”), conference organised by the “Maison de l’Europe”, Paris, on
the 30th of November,
Du faire pour au faire ensemble,
conference for the associations providing solutions for an intergenerational
society, organised by the association France
Bénévolat (http://www.francebenevolat.org/actualite/187)
on the 4th of December.
E-Seniors/E-Juniors is
/ was partner and/or in charge of organization for :
the 17th of October 2012, at the Town Hall of the 13th district of
Paris, an intergenerational Kinect demonstration.
Different generations were present to try the game, discuss, etc.
activities in cooperation with the Atomes Crochus Association (http://atomes-crochus.org/). The goal is to bring
together youth and seniors to get them to talk about technologies from their
respective generations.
intergenerational initiatives are also implemented:
- Through film:
Les Deux Mémoires is an organisation dedicated
to exploring and promoting intergenerational exchange through film. The
filmmakers strive to document the individual experience in changing rural
communities in order to promote unity between generations. One of the topics on
which the team focuses is ageing Europe.
projects from 2012 are:
Professionnel (vocational high school diploma) – French youth studying to assist rural residents
Emilie – aides in nursing homes and geriatric services
humanity of AMP (aide medico-psychologique = medical/psychological
Assistants) in
For more
information, please visit their website: http://www.lesdeuxmemoires.com/
- Through European networks:
Platform Europe is a European network of around 167
organisations of and for people aged 50+ which aims to voice and
promote the interests of the 150 million senior citizens in the European Union
and to raise awareness on the issues that concern them most. For more
information, please visit the website: http://www.age-platform.eu.
Map of Intergenerational Learning (EMIL) is a collaborative learning network
that aims to provide a general overview of the role and status of
intergenerational learning through collecting, exchanging, and distributing
ideas and resources and by supporting regional, European and global networking
strategies. EMIL brings together a range of partnerships promoting and
supporting intergenerational learning in all its varied forms. For more
information, please visit the website: http://www.emil-network.eu/.