/decisions of the Kickoff MEETING
PARIS 22nd of November and 23rd
of November 2012
Attendees :
- Iceland : Oscar Uscategui
- Lithuania: Loreta
Golubevaite & Erika Brauklyte
- Bulgaria: Stoyka Beleva
& Ventseslav Denkov
Netherlands: Vivianne Rousseau,
Renée Blaauw, Maud Diemer, Esther Rodenburg & Heleen Bakker
Portugal : Anabela Costa
& Teresa Brito
Spain : Luka Marziali
- Poland : Julia Mach,
Monika Walancik & Anna Cerpiol
- Belgium: Alexis Burlet
& Sofia Vieira
- UK: Ian Ball, Valerie
Whately, Jaqui Ball, Carol Morgan & Richard Beaumond
- Austria: Hartwig Imlinger
- Hungary: Katalin Thury
France: Françoise Pettelat,
Monique Epstein & Ariane Girault
presentations of each institutions and of their
experiences of good practices
brainstorming for creating sub groups
creating 4 sub groups
1 Theme: Cooperative and coworking
Partners: Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Bulgaria
Leader: Netherlands
2 Theme: crowd founding, open source, government service
Partners: Poland, Spain
Leader: Spain
3 Theme: Alternative energy, production, rural economy
Partners: United Kingdom, Portugal, Lithuania and Iceland
Leader: Lithuania
4 Theme: Cooperative transport service (bike,
travelling...), fare trade, education
Partners: Austria, France, Hungary
Leader: Austria
Next meetings:
- April 2013 : Netherlands
(see below)
- September 2013: Iceland
- February 2014: Portugal
- May/June 2014: UK
The host institution will coordinates and take care of location, traffic,
catering and will organize the program together with sub-groups coordinators.
Leader of each subgroup will
collate/aggregate and find prelimary research end January 2013
Leaflet graphic : Belgium draft leaflet
for discussion for next meeting 4/13
Text. Write. Belgium 15/12/12 review
Hungary 24/12/12
The leaflet to be finalised by the 2nd
meeting - April 2013.
Translate into own language
Send suggestions to Poland
Collected Logo will completed by Poland
Who will distribute for voting
1vote for each partner final
Face book/ website/ linkedin- Spain (and
Poland) start before logo ready
Key aspects words suggestions to Spain
Collect input by 31st December 2012.
Poland will joint work with Spain in the
creation of the website.
Evaluation of meeting on line &
by France via a questionnaire.
Evaluation criteria relevance realisation
- Belgium
Google forms UK will be produced by 24th
November 2012.
Co-ordinator overall project UK unless
Italy get funding.
Functions covered evaluation google group
writing reports overall view of partners reminder of deadlines
Internal agreement - next meeting - sign
to respect each other - Austria to create form.
Next meeting:
Agreed - 3 nights stay with host partner.
This allows 2 full days for meeting (and 2 travel d
Meeting in Groningen on Thursday &
Friday 11 /12 April 2013
Host Holland will fix agenda. Jan 2013 -
send agenda items to host.
Structure of meeting.
Concentrate work early in the day allowing
time after business for 'cultural' elements.
An International evening was suggested as
part of the meeting with partners bringing something 'local' o share with
others - tis need not be physical & could include a song, dance etc
Any names to be added to Google group
please send to Ian.